Functional Dry Needling
This technique refers to the use of small filiform needles applied to taught bands and trigger points based on the findings from a skilled evaluation.
Allows the provider to get to tissue that is not manually accessible.
Research supports that dry needling improves pain, reduces muscle tension, and normalizes dysfunctions
IASTM: Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Involves the use of tools to assist in myofascial release of tight structures
Increased fibroblast proliferation, reduction in scar
tissue, increased vascular response, and the remodeling of unorganized collagen fiber matrix, improvements in range of motion, strength and pain perception
Works by decompression of adhesions where most other treatment techniques are compressive in nature
Allows for increased oxygen, nutrients, and blood flow to restricted areas
Decreased pain due to increased endorphin release after treatment
Percussion massage delivers a series of rapid blows that penetrate deep into the soft tissue to promote pain-relief, relaxation, & tissue repair
improves blood flow and range-of-motion of the muscle.
Game Ready units rapidly circulate ice water through the wraps while compressing the targeted area.
This combination provides a better therapy for musculoskeletal injuries.
Relieves symptoms such as pain and swelling.
Helps stimulate natural tissue healing and actually speeds up recovery.
Personal workout plans focused on functional mobility & strength
One-on-one fitness sessions
Continual fitness training after physical therapy